Zero to Three
Design for Impact

Zero to Three works to ensure all babies and toddlers have a strong start in life. Their annual report, the State of Babies Yearbook frames rigorous research, unbiased analyses, and clear communications to influence decision-makers positioned to improve public policies and interventions in support of children and families. Learn more at

Design of Zero to Three’s print Yearbook report needs to convey the report’s findings in a clear, engaging presentation that complements the report’s online presentation. For the second year in a row, Forum One developed a brand-aligned design that was both easy to read and inviting, creating a useful tool for Zero to Three’s advocacy at any stage.

By working closely with the organization, Forum One understood the goals and audience of the report, and designed approachable graphics, data tables, and visuals to lead readers through the 157-page report with clarity and focus.

To complement the yearbook’s interactive web platform, where users can filter and dig through national and state data, Forum One worked with the Zero to Three team to design a downloadable PDF version for audiences to hone in on key findings, takeaways, and messaging.