Blog Insights
Olympics, Olympics, and more Olympics…
As the first week of the 2016 Olympics draws to a close, it’s no surprise that there’s been a lot of talk around the office about the Games, given all the articles and posts circulating. So, this week is as an all Olympics “What We’re Talking About” — and don’t be surprised if next week is as well! Some amazing content has been produced worldwide this last week, to compliment all the amazing performances as well!
Some of the most popular and interesting pieces surrounding the Rio Olympics have come from The New York Times and The Washington Post. In addition to regular content, their interactive departments have been pumping out great content to enhance our experience of the Games through storytelling and data. One of our favorites has been this piece on the US women’s gymnastic team, which describes in pictures and charts just how dominant their performances were compared to the other teams. Additionally, this visual scale of equipment and venues was fun to explore. We’re looking forward to seeing what else both sources publish over the next week, they’ve set high expectations for themselves!
Getting pumped up for the Olympics isn’t hard for some people like yours truly, or Leslie Jones. Side note: if you’re not following Leslie on Twitter, you’re missing out on some of the most entertaining Olympics coverage there has ever been. But for those who weren’t excited, I hope they watched this “Greatest Show on Earth” ad from BBC sport and changed their minds. Even if they didn’t, it’s hard to argue that animation quality of the ad isn’t top notch. The concept is smart as well — who wouldn’t have a smile on their face watching a sloth doing gymnastics, an anteater throwing the hammer, or a pair of crocodiles synchronized diving? I know Leslie would.
We’ve talked a lot about Olympic logos this year, and it seems like people are generally in favor of this year’s Rio2016 mark, as it’s consistently been around the top of a lot of rankings over the past few weeks. But there may be more to it than even the designers intended, according to these four things that you didn’t know about the logo. A great mark can have layers of meaning and this can be difficult to achieve with so little to work with, but seems like Tatil has nailed it, and hopefully their design will remain one of the more memorable Olympic logos in history.
And finally, next time you’re feeling unsure or worried, try Laurie Hernandez’s approach. Perhaps it won’t result in a gold medal like it did for her, but regardless, remember…you’ve got this.