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Integrating the U.S. Digital Services Playbook into Our Product Approach

Forum One’s commitment to delivering exceptional digital products is guided by industry best practices and a user-centric approach. One invaluable resource we rely on as we develop solutions is the U.S. Digital Services Playbook. 

The Digital Services Playbook, developed by the U.S. Digital Service, an Executive Office agency launched in 2014, provides a set of key practices and principles to help create effective, user-friendly digital services. 

Nearly a decade old, the playbook compiles best practices designed to help government agencies build digital services that are simple, effective, and easy to use. While originally intended for federal projects, its principles universally apply to any organization seeking to enhance digital products and ensure their accessibility.

Core principles of the Digital Services Playbook

The playbook includes 13 “plays” which serve as guiding principles for approaching and developing digital products. Core principles from these plays  that resonate deeply with us at Forum One are:

Understand what people need

  • Start with user research to understand the needs, behaviors, and contexts of the people who will use the service.
  • Continuously gather and analyze user feedback to refine and improve the product.

Address the whole experience, from start to finish

  • Consider the entire journey of the user, from discovering the service to using it and seeking help if needed.
  • Ensure a seamless, cohesive experience across all touchpoints.

Build the service using agile and iterative practices

  • Develop the service in small, iterative cycles, allowing frequent testing and feedback.
  • Adapt and respond to changing user needs and technological advancements.

Choose a modern technology stack

  • Employ current, proven technologies that are scalable, secure, and maintainable.
  • Favor open standards and interoperability to ensure flexibility and future-proofing.

Deploy in a Secure and Accessible Way

  • Prioritize security and privacy to protect user data.
  • Ensure the service is accessible to all users, including those with disabilities.

How Forum One integrates the playbook into product development

The playbook influences how we approach our product development for the myriad of nonprofit organizations and government agencies that we support. Here are some of the key areas that guide us.

  1. User-centered design: At the heart of our projects is a deep understanding of our users. We conduct extensive user research, including interviews, surveys, and usability testing, to ensure our solutions meet real needs. This aligns with the playbook’s emphasis on starting with user needs and continuously improving based on feedback.
  2. Holistic user experience: We map out the entire user journey, identifying and addressing pain points and opportunities for improvement. This approach ensures that every interaction a user has with our product is intuitive and efficient, reflecting the playbook’s principle of addressing the whole experience.
  3. Agile and iterative development: Our development process is agile, allowing us to release incremental updates and quickly respond to user feedback. This iterative approach ensures that we are always moving towards a better product, in line with the playbook’s recommendation for agile practices.
  4. Modern technology stack: We leverage the latest technologies to build robust, scalable, and secure digital solutions. By staying current with technological trends, we ensure our products are not only effective today but also adaptable for the future.
  5. Security and accessibility: Security and accessibility are non-negotiable components of our development process. We implement stringent security measures to protect user data and adhere to accessibility standards to ensure our services are usable by everyone, including those with disabilities.

We have seen significant successes by integrating the U.S. Digital Services Playbook into our product strategy. For example, our work with a major nonprofit organization involved revamping their digital platform to better serve their community. Through user research, iterative development, and a focus on accessibility, we delivered a solution that significantly improved user engagement and satisfaction.

The path forward

The U.S. Digital Services Playbook is more than just a guide; it’s a framework that helps us deliver digital solutions that truly make a difference. By staying true to its principles, we ensure that our work at Forum One is not only innovative and effective but also user-centered and impactful.

We are committed to continuously refining our processes and adopting best practices to better serve our clients and users. The U.S. Digital Services Playbook will remain a cornerstone of our approach as we strive to create digital experiences that are simple, effective, and delightful.

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