Category Archive: Uncategorized

Inclusive Design: It’s More Than a Checklist

Optimizing your digital platform to ensure that it incorporates inclusive design is not just about designing for people with disabilities. It’s about keeping the diversity and uniqueness of each individual in mind as you create all your communications materials. At Forum One, we spend a lot of time working with… Read More

The Art of Storytelling: Designing Change Agent

How can you better tell your mission story? Our two-part story approach was used in our exciting new project launch and can be used for your next storytelling opportunity. Change Agent Winter 2018 is produced twice a year by the Communications Network, a community of Foundation and… Read More

Working “Jobs-to-be-Done” into the Design Process

Jobs-to-be-Done (JTBD) is a framework that you can use to design more effectively. While personas tend to focus on the attributes of your audience (age, gender, education, location, etc), JTBD focuses on the motivations and context of your audience. “People don’t want a quarter-inch drill, they want a quarter-inch hole.”… Read More

New Year Resolutions to Amplify Your Impact in 2018

As we turn the page on 2017, I’m excited about one of our new year’s resolutions: to help our clients amplify their impact in 2018. With this fresh start upon us, here are three of the ways I’m thinking about magnifying and measuring impact this year: revamping a theory of… Read More

New Year, New Content Strategy

It’s that time again: planning for the new year and a chance to better engage your users with your content. If you’re like everyone else, you are running low on time with competing end-of-year priorities. We’ve got a few tips to help you get a strong start at making your… Read More

Why We’re Taking a Stand on Net Neutrality

On December 14th, the U.S Federal Communications Commission will vote to put an end to its, “net neutrality” rules. These rules are meant to safeguard people’s ability to communicate freely online, ensuring equal access to all information on the Internet. We think the existing net neutrality rules are important… Read More

Atlassian for Nonprofits: Facilitating Collaboration

Atlassian provides a powerful suite of tools that are already loved by developers, but are also gaining traction with non-technical teams within organizations. Atlassian tools fit into your organization’s digital ecosystem and help teams communicate, collaborate, and coordinate to get work done. Jira Software is already the #1… Read More

6 Social Media Strategy Tips for Nonprofits

As a nonprofit, you use social media to engage with your audience — from raising awareness, to collecting donations and inciting volunteers to sign up and help. But just how effective are your efforts? If you want to stay on top of your social media game, you need to be… Read More

Drum Roll… W3 Award Winners Announced

We are thrilled to see that Forum One has won Silver in not one, but three categories in this year’s W3 Awards competition. The W³ Awards honors creative excellence on the web, and recognizes the creative and marketing professionals behind award winning sites, videos and marketing programs. The… Read More

Sticky Cookie: Uploading Large Files

Uploading large files in an auto-scale environment. If you work on sites with a lot of traffic, you know these sites will typically run across multiple web servers that share a single database (or perhaps several databases). Forum One has set up such auto-scaling infrastructures for a number of… Read More

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