Category Archive: Uncategorized

Improving Financial Education Through a Strong Digital Experience

Defining clear user journeys can help educators excel in the classroom. When we first started talking to the Bureau of Consumer Finance Protection (BCFP), the idea was simple: take a paper copy of a curriculum review tool and turn it into an online, interactive version. However, we all quickly realized… Read More

Vote Today for Our #19NTC Sessions!

Forum One and friends have four great submissions for next year's #19NTC in Portland. Take a look and cast your vote so that we can share some pretty spectacular and helpful insight and stories with you next March! The annual Nonprofit Technology Conference (NTC) is NTEN’s signature technology… Read More

Good Government Branding Builds Trust

When you think of the word “brand,” your brain likely jumps to logos, colors and taglines. While these elements are important, they’re only scratching at the surface of what a brand experience entails, especially when it comes to government branding. For government agencies, branding is about managing and strengthening how… Read More

Up Your Facebook Game This Fall

Earlier this year, Facebook rolled out an updated news feed functionality that emphasizes what your actual human connections are doing, liking and sharing over content pushed out by organizations. Is this a good or a bad thing for nonprofits? While this change may have seemed like bad news at first… Read More

Elements of a Solid Privacy Policy

A great privacy policy is where you tell the world how your organization is working to protect the data privacy rights of those you are serving. It should not be dense legalese, but written to be easily understood. A few weeks back, I wrote about the ways in… Read More

How Inclusive Marketing Can Extend Your Reach

While inclusive marketing is a fairly new term, it is not a new process. Inclusive marketing steps outside of traditional targeting norms to extend marketing for one product or service to all demographics. It allows everyone to be accounted for and extends the reach of your organization’s marketing efforts. A… Read More

Choosing the Right CMS: Open Source vs. Proprietary

When it comes to website development, you’ve got two CMS platform choices: proprietary or open source. Determining which one makes the most sense varies from one organization to the next. If you’re struggling to make a decision for your next website, take a step back and focus on your needs. Read More

Digital Governance: The Secret to Your Success

Here is the real stuff of digital communications nightmares: projects stalling out, decisions going in circles, efforts wasted, being responsible for everything. The answer to this very real anxiety is digital governance planning. In our 22 years of experience working with mission-driven organizations, one of the biggest indicators of project… Read More

How Are You Addressing GDPR Compliance?

A key component of building trust with your online users is to assure them that their privacy is protected at an organizational level. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) that the EU put into effect in May 2018 aims to protect users’ personally-identifiable information (PII). Now that we are two… Read More

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