Category Archive: Uncategorized

Forum One Wins Nine W³ Awards

We are so very excited to announce that Forum One has been recognized in nine categories in this year’s W³ Awards competition. The W³ Awards competition honors creative excellence on the web, and recognizes the creative and marketing professionals behind award winning sites, videos and marketing programs. The… Read More

Visual Literacy: A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

Every photograph, video, GIF, icon, illustration, or animation an organization uses holds weight. Imagery is used to help define the look and feel of wherever it is placed, but more importantly, imagery gives meaning to an organization's messaging and branding at a holistic level. Is your organization thoughtfully conveying your… Read More

What is Information Architecture & How Do I Do It?

You’re about to undergo a redesign for your organization’s website, and the first question that comes to mind is, “Where do we start?” Well, this post will tackle that question from an Information Architecture perspective. What is Information Architecture? Information Architecture (IA) is how the information is organized and… Read More

21 Statistics That Nonprofit Communicators Should Pay Attention To and Why

Latest trends and statistics in digital marketing show that people are becoming digitally savvier and are demanding stronger online experiences. For digital marketers, this means staying on top of latest tools, algorithm updates, and best practices. So how does all this apply to nonprofit communicators? I recently attended the… Read More

10 Things I Hate About Web Design

This is a list of 10 things I hate about web design and as fun as it is to complain, the truth is, if you avoid these pitfalls you’re already doing at least 10 things right! Having a website can accomplish a multitude of benefits for your organization, whether that’s… Read More

What Role Does Design Play in International Development?

Human-centered design is a framework that ensures that humans are closely considered throughout the design process. It’s a term you’re most likely to hear if you work in the technology industry, but it’s a framework that you can certainly apply to any workflow or process. One context where it may… Read More

Top Honors for Forum One in 2018 WebAward Competition

We are thrilled to share the news that Forum One has been awarded with three top awards in the 17th annual WebAward competition. Founded in 1997, the Web Marketing Association (WMA) sets a high standard for Internet marketing and development featuring the best website on the web. Its annual… Read More

Amplify Engagement Through Brand Storytelling

Consumer brands are always looking for new ways to connect with their target audiences. So it makes sense that they have in recent years turned to an art that goes back to the dawn of time: storytelling. In today’s fragmented media environment where  there is constant noise and competition for… Read More

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