Category Archive: Uncategorized

Data Benchmarks: Look at Your Own Data First

A benchmark is defined as a standard or point of reference against which things may be compared or assessed. When it comes to managing and analyzing your data, comparing it to larger data benchmarks created from your own historical data is the best place to start. No matter… Read More

Forum One Wins 15 Davey Awards!

We are excited to share that we have been selected for 15 Davey Awards for our “Creative David” excellence across our web design, application development, video and animation production, and brand creation work. The Davey Awards is an international… Read More

Improving User Experience Through Journey Maps

Regardless of the actions you want your audience to take, you should provide an experience where they are able to successfully interact with your organization. Journey maps help us to understand their current experience, so that we can then work to improve it. Let’s dive deeper into how a journey… Read More

Improving the Administrative User Experience in Drupal

For all of the features and praise we offer Drupal, including the system’s flexibility to become whatever it needs to be, one of the most prominent complaints against it in recent years is that its editorial experience can be painful for administrators. Over the last decade, the concept… Read More

How to Make the Most of #GivingTuesday

Tips and ideas on how you can ramp up your digital fundraising game as we approach one of the biggest donation days of the year. #GivingTuesday has become the unofficial start of the year-end fundraising season. In 2016, the famous donation day saw people in 98… Read More

Creating An Effective Tagline

Anna Wintour, Editor-in-Chief of Vogue, embodied her brand exquisitely in her iconic five-word speech at the Webby Awards—“Sometimes, geeks can be chic”  This speech format is possibly the cruelest, yet most brilliant and creative thing, to ask star-studded and industry winners to follow—accept your award with only… Read More

Mastering Your End-of-Year Outreach Strategy

In a recent webinar, we outlined some of the biggest end-of-year challenges that organizations face in the last quarter of the year. For many mission-driven organizations, this last quarter marks a big one for audience outreach and support. How are you feeling about your end-of-year outreach strategy? While… Read More

The Need for Multiple Navigation Paths on Digital Properties

While online navigation is often designed with the intention to guide a user through the most logical and straight-forward path, each user is unique and will search and navigate slightly or very differently from the main path you’ve created. While I wrangle with and design for this reality in my… Read More

Why You Need a Digital Strategy for Your Major Donors

In most development shops, major gift fundraising is still an intentionally low-tech practice. Face-to-face meetings are the goal, and conventional wisdom states that major donors don’t give online. But is that really the whole picture? While it’s true that you are not likely to ask for a $100,000 gift in… Read More

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