Category Archive: Uncategorized

Addressing Web Starter Kit Pain Points

Building a website from scratch can be done in many ways, some of which are long and repetitious, others that make use of templates and clever shortcuts. Forum One uses generator-web-starter to stand new websites up in a sleek and reliable way. However, as technology gives us new and better ways… Read More

Five Ways to Increase Online Donations

Nonprofits rely on a variety of funding sources to drive their initiatives. In some cases, it’s from foundation or government grants. In others, it’s individual donations and major gifts. For those that depend on the latter, deliberate digital fundraising strategies can help increase donations and expand support. Fact: people who… Read More

The Right Time to Conduct Audience Research

You know you need to hear from your audiences about what they care about, but when is the right time to do it? If this is the first time you are embarking upon this task, it is definitely time for you to conduct audience research. If you haven’t talked to… Read More

Creating Logos With Meaning

Great logos stick in our minds forever. Just think about the Nike swoosh, the rainbow Apple, or the World Wildlife Fund’s Panda. To share a little secret about what makes great logos stand the test of time: they actually have a much deeper meaning baked into those “simple” visuals. Think… Read More

The Key Ingredients of a Journey Map

Dive into the ingredients of a journey map and discover what exactly goes into it and why. A journey map identifies all the touchpoints a person might encounter when trying to complete a task. In our previous post, we talked about what a journey… Read More

Keeping Your Newly-Launched Website Awesome

You’ve just launched your new website, and it looks amazing and runs smoothly. But just like a shiny new car, keeping it beautiful for your organization and your users requires tender, loving care. Enter website maintenance! Working with a partner to build and launch a new website is a considerable… Read More

Taking Over the “Maintainership” of a Drupal Module

One truism about open source website software is that, much of the time, it is developed to meet a specific need, at a specific time. As time passes, the individual or team that originally developed a particular module may have moved on, which can pose a significant challenge to those… Read More

Can an Acronym Name Hurt Your Brand?

Acronyms commonly identify initiatives and processes within an organization, though more commonly than not, an acronym is on the masthead of the organization itself. While acronyms can be an effective and recognizable marketing tool in many cases, in others they may not. You know that feeling:… Read More

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