Category Archive: Uncategorized

Web Personalization for Nonprofits

Automated customization, tailored experiences, drip campaigns, marketing automation, data-driven segmentation – everyone, it seems, is using visitor data to put the right content, in front of the right person, at the right time. Right? If you’re an online retailer, personalization is one of the most useful sales mechanisms… Read More

A Key Focus of Digital Transformation: The User Experience Tools

One of the most important goals of any digital transformation is creating optimal user experiences and journeys for your target audiences. If users are able to smoothly engage with your online touchpoints, and you’re able to provide them with the right personalized content over time, they are more likely to… Read More

Building a Shared Docker Infrastructure: How We Did It

We recently used the Docker Hub to create a shared infrastructure and make our technology team more streamlined in our approach to collaborative development.  At Forum One, we like finding tools that help us do our jobs more efficiently so that we can deliver impactful digital solutions to our clients. Read More

Looking Past Vanity Metrics to Actionable Analytics

Stakeholders are often on the hunt for the biggest numbers. We call these big, beautiful, but often distracting numbers “vanity metrics,” and it’s important to know the appropriate time and place to use them. You’ve probably heard this before, but bigger isn’t always better, and this same principle… Read More

Three Keys for the Data-Driven Nonprofit in 2020

As your nonprofit organization sets its strategic priorities and operational plans for this new decade, what are some ways you can continue to drive your data maturity? Here are three trends that every nonprofit leader should have on their 2020 roadmap. It’s no secret that over the past decade “data-driven… Read More

Branimation: The Role of Animation in Branding

In my previous post on Motion for Good, I explored how animation works with motion graphics to create a powerful digital experience. In this latest post, I dive into the relationship between animation and branding — what we like to call “branimation” — and explain how the two are… Read More

Marketing Your Cause in 2020

In 2020 and beyond, digital marketing will become an increasingly essential way to communicate important social missions and drive impact in communities worldwide. In the social good sector, marketing communicates your mission’s brand, goals, and needs. While it may stem from the commercial sector, marketing in the digital age is… Read More

2020 Design Trends: the Nonprofit Edition

Digital design continues to make strides as we enter a new decade. Here is our take on the biggest design trends that can make an impact on mission-driven organizations in 2020. This year — and this decade — we see the continued emergence of some trends we saw develop in… Read More

Starting the New Year on the Right Foot

With every new year comes a new beginning. Taking what you learned in the previous year and building from it is key to having an even more prosperous year to come. Here are what we see as the five most important elements to getting your digital communications plan started on… Read More

Recognizing Client Success in 2019

As we reflect back on 2019, we are incredibly proud of the strategies, designs, and tools we’ve developed to help our mission-driven clients extend their influence. We are also honored to have had our projects recognized in international awards throughout the year, which further shines a light on the important… Read More

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