Category Archive: Uncategorized

Convert New Audiences Now, Not Later

People are multitasking life, work, and the rest of it more than ever before. As a result, your target audiences have way less time to devote to clicking through your website, no matter how well-designed your user journeys are. To convert new audiences sooner than later, guide them to what… Read More

A Good Reminder of the Importance of Web Accessibility

While online accessibility is increasingly being incorporated and discussed as a means to ensuring that digital experiences, information, and services can be used by the entire population, as we head into this new decade, it’s worth taking a moment to remind ourselves of why we need to ensure that it… Read More

FAQs: Inclusive Co-Creation Design

This post was co-written by Acacia Betancourt, a DC-area Creative Director, and former Forum One staff member. To design inclusively is to design with and not just for your audiences. In our inclusive design webinar, we discussed that co-creation is about defining your most impacted audience who are the… Read More

How We’re Furthering Our DEI Efforts through a Skills Matrix

Co-authored by 2020 Client Services Interns, Julia Mitsch and Camryn Simon An equitable and inclusive work environment is critical. To achieve this, diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) methods can be integrated across all areas of an organization. Here’s how we’re furthering our DEI efforts through a skills matrix. In addition… Read More

Forum One has been selected for 7 Davey Awards!

We are excited to share that Forum One has been selected for 7 Davey Awards for our “Creative David” excellence in web design. The Davey Awards competition honors the achievements of the “Creative Davids” internationally who derive their strength from big ideas, not big budgets. The… Read More

Communicating with Your Audiences in an Election Year

It often feels like every organization and company is sending out digital communications regarding the upcoming election, but does that mean your organization should, too? Every two years, you’re asked to vote. 2020 is one of those years. How many times have you been asked… Read More

5 Signs It’s Time to Break Up with Your Legacy CRM

CRM software allows nonprofits to centralize data, quickly segment lists, plan events, manage staff & volunteers, generate reports for decision making, and much more. To be most effective, they should be user-friendly, an integrated piece of your digital ecosystem, and a daily part of your team’s workflow. Does… Read More

Essentials for an Impactful Virtual Event

Current events have forced organizations to quickly adapt their in-person events to a virtual environment. While we’re all wishing we had some in-person interaction, we’ve learned there are some essentials for an impactful virtual event that closely emulates in-person gatherings.  That said, there are some things that simply cannot be… Read More

Mitigating Bias Through Content Strategy

Current events can often be the catalyst for addressing issues and challenges that organizations face to mitigate issues of bias and inequalities. Most recently, many organizations are making an effort to examine how their organizational practices might be biased or inequitable. If you are thinking about how your organization’s content… Read More

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