Category Archive: Uncategorized

Recognizing Client Success in 2020

As we wrap our reflection on 2020, we are immensely proud of the strategies, designs, and tools we’ve developed to help our mission-driven clients have an impact in the areas they care about most. We are also honored to have had our projects recognized in international awards throughout the year,… Read More

Our Top 5 Webinars of 2020

We shared our most-read blogs from 2020 last week, and now we’re sharing our most attended webinars from the year. As you look forward to 2021, you can watch or listen to a few of our webinars that our community enjoyed the most. Planning an Engaging Virtual Event Organizations… Read More

Our Top 10 Blogs of 2020

As we say goodbye to 2020 and look ahead to 2021, we are reflecting on our work in the last year. Thinking about our clients’ biggest challenges and successes in 2020, we take a look at what our readers have found to be our most helpful blog posts.  From practical… Read More

Optimize Your 2021 Webinar Strategy

This year, conferences, roundtables, trainings, and meet-and-greets have all gone online. In  2021, the importance of effective and engaging virtual events will remain the same. As we all contend with staying engaged through  “Zoom fatigue” and virtual events for the foreseeable future, how can you optimize your 2021 webinar strategy? … Read More

Using an Agile Approach When Things Keep Changing

If we learned anything from the uncertainty of 2020, it’s that annual planning is a vitally important exercise even if things don’t always work out according to plan. End-of-year planning is hard to tackle in normal times, and this year, it might feel almost impossible. Using an agile approach… Read More

Vote for Our #21NTC Virtual Sessions

Like most events of the last year, NTEN’s Nonprofit Technology Conference (NTC) is set to take place virtually March 23–25, 2021 with over 100 live, interactive sessions, thought-provoking and inspiring keynote speakers, and opportunities to connect with the community and sponsors. NTEN turns to the nonprofit… Read More

Making Time for Staff to Disconnect

2020 has provided many obstacles and challenges and has had a lasting impact on everyone’s lives. From the global pandemic to U.S. politics, there is no denying the weight and emotional toll these issues hold on top of our everyday responsibilities at work and at home. 2020 has left many… Read More

What’s New in Google Analytics 4

In October, Google released Google Analytics 4 (GA4), the next generation of their web and app analytics products. While many features of GA4 are still in beta and we recommend maintaining your current analytics configuration, now is a great time to also start getting used to the new interface. Read More

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