Category Archive: Uncategorized

Three Ways to Use a Design System

Design systems are a hot topic, yet there’s often confusion about what they are and how they are used. One explanation for this is that there are several ways to use design systems within the design process. In our What Is a Design System post, we define a design… Read More

Signs That Your Website is Ready for a Redesign

There are many reasons why your organization might be considering a redesign. If you’ve started hearing comments from your colleagues or users, consider qualitative feedback, as well as strategic and quantitative considerations, for making a change in your digital presence. You may suspect that your site is starting… Read More

Does Your Communications Strategy Speak to the New Administration?

Presidential inaugurations bring excitement and change. Savvy government agencies and nonprofits benefit from those changes, but it requires deliberate action. Does your communications strategy speak to the new administration? As the United States welcomes a new administration, here are some predictions about how policies, priorities, and budgets will change, as well… Read More

What Does Digital Transformation Mean for Nonprofits?

Digital transformation or digital modernization is the integration of digital technology across all areas of an organization. This process allows the organization to nimbly change how it operates and provides value—whether that’s in the relationship between a company and its customers or a nonprofit and its mission.  Digital… Read More

Setting a Baseline for Your Digital Modernization

Your organization has begun digital modernization. You have developed your roadmap and strategic plan for the initiative. You’ve rallied buy-in and support from senior leadership. Maybe you have even begun to identify which applications or infrastructure you want to prioritize for modernizing first. We know how exciting it is to… Read More

Using Salesforce to Help Your Nonprofit Grow

While all nonprofits are different, many share similar challenges, including fundraising, communication, and collaboration. Many organizations attempt to manage their own processes and create solutions for these challenges, but a CRM tool — especially the Salesforce Nonprofit Success Pack — can go a long way in helping you manage these… Read More

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