Category Archive: Uncategorized

Managing Your Brand During a Crisis

Crises present challenges in successfully managing a mission-driven brand. A crisis is caused by a major, though temporary change, and preparing your organization will help you position yourself to manage through the crisis instead of managing the crisis itself. A nonprofit also needs to be a good steward of their… Read More

Developing a Social Media Crisis Plan

Social media crises are inevitable, so your organization needs a plan. Deciding who does what and when ahead of time provides you with the best chance of navigating any crisis for both your organization’s and audiences’ benefit. Responding to mentions, comments, and questions on social media… Read More

Determining the Quality of Your Data Collection Processes

Looking at your data as a means of decluttering chaos is a sensible thing to do. Fact-driven decisions based on data analysis is what most organizations strive for in our digital age—if not entirely—at least to support some core aspects of a business. Determining your data quality to inform decision-making… Read More

Make Time for a Crisis Communications Plan

Crisis communications isn’t just about an organization saving face as the result of a scandal. Crisis communication tactics are important in any situation that has a severe impact on an organization. The best time for your organization to have a robust crisis communications plan in place is before a crisis… Read More

The Role of Organizational Culture in Digital Transformation

Digital transformation or modernization is about transforming how everything at your organization works together to achieve your organizational goals—from the way you store donor information to how you deliver services and manage payroll—and integrating them into a cohesive, digital ecosystem. But is everyone else at your organization ready? Digital… Read More

Make Informed Decisions through Measurement and Analytics

As people across the globe continue to face the challenges brought by frequent uncertainty, we look to data to make informed decisions through measurement and analytics. Mission-driven organizations can make decisions using a human-centric approach that incorporates a comprehensive data platform to advance their initiatives and prioritize how they use… Read More

Launching a Network of Coronavirus Contact Tracers

Two weeks into the pandemic of 2020, I started out on my usual morning jog. I found maintaining the regular ritual kept me in the right state of mind to tackle the challenge of taking care of two small children at home while keeping up my full-time job. Climbing to… Read More

A Collaborative, Inclusive Approach to Brand-Building

Building or updating a brand, and doing it well, requires the input and deep engagement of people and stakeholders across an organization. Having recently relaunched the Forum One brand, we’d love to provide an inside look into how a collaborative and inclusive approach guided us toward an updated brand that… Read More

Welcome to the New Forum One

Forum One was built to leverage digital connections to change the world. As the company enters its twenty-fifth year, we’re excited to share our updated brand that reflects our passion and commitment to turning ideas into impact that truly makes the world a better place. To dive deeper into… Read More

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