Category Archive: Uncategorized

The Value of a Forum One Summer Internship

Today is the last day of our Forum One summer internship! In early June, Forum One welcomed six talented interns to our team from across the country. This year, we were happy to continue our partnership with the Posse Foundation to recruit from a diverse group of talented students.Over… Read More

Spotlight: The Forum One Data and Analytics Team

Digital strategy runs on data. Without robust data and analytics, any organization’s strategy is just a series of guesses. While it’s easier than ever to access data—every digital action, from website clicks to member signups produces a trackable trail—knowing how to use the data is a different story. Often, our… Read More

Welcoming Our New VP of HR, Meigan Ward!

I am very excited to share that Meigan Ward has joined Forum One as our Vice President of Human Resources! As our VP of HR, Meigan will lead all aspects of how we attract, develop, and retain an excellent team for fulfilling careers and helping our clients make an impact… Read More

Capture the Power of an In-Person Event Virtually

It was March 2020. The Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture (NMAAHC) was planning the next installment of their already-successful and well-attended event, “A Seat at the Table.” The event brought people together in the museum’s Heritage Hall for an evening dinner, panel discussion, and table discussions… Read More

Transform Data into Tangible Stories

Meaningful data is a tremendous asset to advocates, policymakers, and mission-driven organizations. Increasingly, organizations of all sizes have access to digital tools that provide data, but data storytelling—making facts relatable and actionable—takes additional effort to transform data into tangible stories. City Health Dashboard, a project of… Read More

Why is Digital Strategy Important for Healthcare Systems?

Among Forum One’s mission-driven partners, healthcare providers face some of the biggest challenges in crafting digital strategies, because the need is so vast—all Americans need healthcare, and they increasingly turn to the internet to find information. But privacy concerns, misinformation, and overwhelming amounts of competing information challenge consumers and their… Read More

Sparking Creative Approaches: How To Facilitate Ideation

Ideation—literally the formation of ideas—is at the core of Forum One’s approach to collaborative digital strategy. A digital strategy or product must meet the vision of our mission-driven partners. To meet that vision we need input, context, and ideas from those closest to the organization’s purpose. Our digital strategy… Read More

Assessing Risk: A Quick and Intuitive Framework

Considering and assessing risk—meaning, all the things that can go wrong in a project—is understandably scary. In a web redesign, for example, thinking ahead and saying out loud, “What if this content doesn’t migrate the way we planned?” or “What if our most important stakeholder expects a feature we didn’t… Read More

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