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Luck-Changing Web Dev Limericks

There once was an org. that suspected
With it’s stuff people were not connected.
A usability test
Found problems not guessed.
To great promise this org. is directed.

If you find yourself vexed by your Drupal,
Don’t flee; sail away on your sloop(le).
There are experts at hand
Who can make your site grand.
They will teach; let yourself be their pupil.

In drab was the agency mired.
Of bad feedback the bosses were tired.
A new brand did engage;
Made its mission not strange.
Its creative new look is inspired.

Does your content inspire as it might?
Do its words both engage and excite?
Through research with fans,
And messaging plans,
You can get most from all that you write.

The code was all LESS and all SASS.
To some eyes it’s odd, even crass.
Your front-end presentation,
Needn’t cause trepidation.
Our experts build beauty with class.

My research spawns many a table,
But quick scanning this does not enable.
To drive greater change,
Users I must engage!
I’ll add #dataviz to my stable!

My boss kept on having these fits.
She didn’t see growth in our hits.
To get help I was bidden,
And found problems quite hidden.
Ere Analytics my work was the pits!

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