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Digital Strategies for Climate Action

At Forum One, we know digital solutions play a crucial role in advancing progress for climate solutions. By partnering on digital strategy and implementation with leading nonprofits advocating for change, state governments administering energy-smart policies, and federal agencies advancing new standards, our work leads to climate impacts felt at local, national, and international levels.   

Climate Week, held every year in New York on the heels of the UN General Assembly, is a critical time to focus the world’s attention on solutions and progress toward shared climate goals. We’re using the occasion to reflect on ways to iterate and enhance our strategies to drive climate action:

Engaging Design that Sparks Public Engagement 

We craft digital communications that resonate with global audiences and drive progress in environmental and conservation issues. Our work with the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) exemplifies this. For their 50th anniversary, we designed an immersive digital storytelling experience that illustrated NRDC’s 50 years of environmental impact by taking audiences on a visually compelling, interactive journey, inspiring support and future action.

Similarly, our partnership with Rare, a leading environmental organization working to achieve long-lasting conservation results, led to a redesigned website and a refined digital strategy that doubled traffic and increased donations by 67%. With a focus on sharing inspiring stories, calls to action, and practical solutions they increased their reach and impact of local conservation change on a global scale.

Learn about our work with Wild Hope, a series from HHMI’s Tangled Bank Studios!

Simplifying Complex Data with Analytics and Visualizations

Driving climate action often involves making complex information accessible. Our custom data-driven sites transform intricate data into user-friendly content. The AARP Livability Index, for example, presents detailed data on 61 factors affecting community livability, including environmental metrics. This tool helps users understand how well their communities meet the needs of all residents.

We’ve also supported NRDC’s engagement campaigns through tools like the Offshore Drilling Position Tracking Tool and the Power Plant Cost Calculator, which empower users to advocate for environmental policies and plan for sustainable futures.

See how we’ve helped our partners at the Natural Resource Defense Council build engagement with their conservation efforts!

Sustainability as a Design Standard

We envision a future where sustainability is as standard as accessibility and performance in digital product design and development. By aligning with emerging guidelines such as the W3C’s Web Sustainability Guidelines, we create digital solutions that meet our clients’ needs while contributing positively to the planet. 

From reducing server loads to choosing energy-efficient hosting solutions, sustainability is at the core of our digital strategy. For example, the choice of hosting solutions can make a significant difference in the sustainability of a digital product. Opting for hosting solutions that prioritize energy efficiency can significantly reduce carbon emissions. We’ve explored these strategies in more detail here: Creating Sustainable Digital Products.

How Does Your Digital Strategy Support Climate Action?

What tools and strategies have you employed to advocate for climate action or improve your organizational practices? We’re as eager to learn and collaborate as we are to share our experience. If you’re looking for a partner, reach out!

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